Copy And Paste The Highest Paying YouTube Niches

If I gave you everything you needed to succeed with a faceless YouTube automation channel would you use it?

Seriously, if you’ve been on the “edge” and haven’t started a faceless channel. The longer you wait to start a channel you could be missing out on thousands.

My client Jacob followed the same training and started in a “High CPM Niche” and within 60 days started hitting $200 days….

If he had waited on the edge of his seat and not taken action he would of missed out on hitting record days on YouTube.

I want you to make money from YouTube.

The best part about YouTube automation is you don’t have to film, edit, or script videos.

Step #1 to making a full time income from YouTube is picking a good channel niche.

Dont worry!

I revealed 5 YouTube niches you can get started with today.

Niche #1: $4,000 per month

CPM: $15-$35+ per thousand views

Channel: TheFinanceValueGuy

Niche #2: $5,000 per month

CPM: $10-$20+ per thousand views

Channel: Satoshi Stacker

Satoshi Stacker scaled up multiple YouTube channels in the exact same crypto niche using different languages. This channel is an excellent example because they earn from YouTube automation and affiliate commissions.

Niche #3: $10,000

CPM: $12-$20+ per thousand views

Channel: Motivation Mentors

Market Twists & TurnsMarket Twists & Turns: Buy and Sell Opportunities You Can’t Afford to Miss

Niche #4: $9,000

CPM: $15-$25+ per thousand views

Channel: Masculinity Guidance

Niche #5: $8,000

CPM: $16-$20+ per thousand views

Channel: Top Tech Now

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Talk soon,

Ryan Hildreth